One of the key focuses of Yuma Lutheran is maintaining a comprehensive curriculum. Our goal is to not only nurture the academic growth of our children, but to nurture every aspect.
This includes their spiritual, emotional, social, and physical growth as well. You will find that Yuma Lutheran incorporates classes that educate the whole child. By giving our students opportunities to learn a broad range of disciplines, we are preparing them to live responsible lives of service and to be a blessing to their community.
Yuma Lutheran reviews and analyzes our curriculum on a regular basis. This includes updating our textbooks and improving our instructional resources in order to provide our students with an exceptional education. Through the National Lutheran Schools Accreditation process, YLS meets Arizona standards and in many cases exceeds them.
Students requiring specialized instruction may be referred to Yuma Public Schools District One Exceptional Student Services. However, urgency of need or availability of the public schools for such testing may determine that private testing is needed. In such cases, Yuma Lutheran does not assume responsibility to pay for such services. Yuma Lutheran has partnered with Lutheran Special Education MInistries (LSEM) in an effort to give more support to our students. While we may still refer to District One, we will try to first determine needs of the child on our campus.
Yuma Lutheran reserves the right to require testing of students for appropriate grade placements and/or special needs such as learning disabilities or emotional concerns.
Along with the traditional courses of instruction offered by any quality school, Yuma Lutheran teaches Religion as a regular course in the school day. Concordia Publishing House: One in Christ, is the text used in all classes, highlighting our relationships with God, others, and the world. Bible verses that reinforce the story of God’s love and plan for salvation are discussed and memorized weekly as part of the curriculum. In addition, all classes at Yuma Lutheran meet together on Wednesday mornings for chapel.
The language arts program is inclusive of Reading and Literature, English Language, writing, handwriting, listening and speaking. Kindergarten through Grade 5 uses the Scott-Foresman 2008 Reading Series. Middle School Grades 6-8 uses Holt Elements of Literature and Language 2007. Supplemental handwriting books are also used. Students in Kindergarten-Fourth Grade us the Zaner-Bloser form of handwriting. Yuma Lutheran does teach cursive writing beginning in second grade.
The students are taught the concepts of numbers, math computation, and math application. Kindergarten through Grade 2 use the Saxon Math series. Grades 3-5 use My Math (2018) through McGraw Hill. Envision Math (2017) is used for 6th, 7th and 8th grade math.
History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology permeate the Social Studies curriculum. Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt 2018 is the main series used. Grade 3 uses Splash! Publications for Arizona studies.
Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science spiral through all the grades at Yuma Lutheran. Kindergarten through Grade 5 use Harcourt Science 2005 books. Middle School uses the 2005 series of Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Yuma Lutheran has a qualified staff member to teach all physical education classes in grades PreK-8. These classes focus on physical fitness, movement concepts, pattern skills, rules for various games and sports, and the importance of working together as a team.
Music is taught by a separate teacher in PreK-8. Grades PreK-5 use the Silver-Burdett/Ginn series. Keyboarding is taught in grade 3, the recorder is taught in grades 4 and 5. Students in Grades 6th – 8th have music class and are invited to also be part of the Orchestra.
Arts Attack is a DVD series used in Kindergarten through Grade 5 to teach art history, creation of art, art criticism, art analysis, and aesthetics. A broad range of weekly activities are experienced by the students. Various art classes are also offered to 6th – 8th grade students as part of our middle school elective curriculum.
Orchestra is offered to 1st – 8th graders for an additional fee of $170 per year. Students have the opportunity to learn to play the violin, viola, cello or bass. Instruction takes place in lieu of one of the music classes for grades 1-5 once per week. Middle school students receive instruction twice per week as an elective. Students will be expected to perform at 3 concerts each year.