A fun and engaging curriculum offered in an encouraginng and supportive environment guide our youngest students in their first steps at school
Weekly themes with an emphasis in science and social studies, with daily practice in:
- Phonics — letter names and sounds, beginning word blending - Zoo Phonics
- Phonemic Awareness and Rhyming
- Shared Reading — enjoying and responding to literature and learning how books work (title, author, front/back, difference between words, letters, spaces, tracking print etc.)
- Writing — fine motor skills, name writing, and letter formation
- Math — calendar, shapes, colors, counting, number sense, sorting, patterning, graphing, and one-to-one correspondence
- Social Skills — making friends, taking turns, and school behavior
- Physical Education — once per week, the students head to the gym for fitness and games with the PE teacher
- Music — once per week, the students enjoy singing, dancing and playing rhythm instruments with the music teacher
Religion Curriculum — Enduring Faith by Concordia Publishing House
- Bible take home page, chapel on Wednesdays and morning class devotions
Week-Long Units including topics such as:
- God made the World and Plants
- Noah and the Flood
- Praise the Lord
- God Hears our Prayers
- A Forgiving Father
- Jesus Dies and Arises
- Jesus Blesses the Children
- Words to Remember — Simple Bible verses to memorize
Weekly Newsletter
- Each week your child will bring home a class newsletter. This will inform you of our upcoming weekly theme, target academic skills and important dates and upcoming events.
Snack, Water and Rest Time
- A snack will be provided daily for your child.
- Monday – Thursday students will have rest time in the afternoon after lunch recess. Rest time is approximately 1 hour. On Thursday, bedding will be washed on campus. On Fridays, because of early release, students will participate in a quiet activity after lunch, but will not lie down for rest/nap.